Cardio. Everyone’s worst nightmare when it comes to exercise. People don’t mind throwing around some weight but when it comes to cardio, almost everyone hates it. There are a lot of different ways to do cardio and each has their benefits. In this article we will go over some different techniques that will get you whipped into shape in no time.


Can just plain walking be used as an effective cardio workout? Of course! The downside to walking is that it is very time consuming. For example you have to spend a lot more time walking to burn the same amount of calories as you would jogging or sprinting. However, walking is a great exercise to have in your cardio arsenal. Besides being good exercise it is nice to take a walk outside and check out your surroundings. Maybe put on a podcast or learn a language with audio tapes.

If you have to walk in a gym it is a good idea to do it on an incline. This will make it a harder workout and will produce better results. If you are feeling adventurous you could even throw on a weight vest to make things harder.

If you are outside and have access to hills or mountains, hiking is an awesome exercise to do. It is also very therapeutic. We recommend you walk around 30-60 minutes. This is enough time to get a decent amount of exercise in. Try to walk with a speedy pace and enjoy it!


Jogging is probably the most popular form of cardio there is. But what if I told you it is actually the worst one you could do? Let’s look back into years back when humans lived in the wild. What would they do? They would walk hours upon hours searching for food. If something was attacking them they would sprint away. Or if they found something to kill they would sprint to kill it. You wouldn’t find a caveman jogging away from a dinosaur!

We weren’t built to jog. We were built to walk and to sprint. However if you must jog, try to keep the pace at a high intensity and make it shorter. You don’t want to job for 5+ miles, it is awful for your knees.


Sprints in our opinion are the best cardio workout you can do. They are the most effective at fat loss and they dont take a lot of time. Try doing 10, 100 yard sprints as hard as you can. That alone will be a very hard workout. Try it out!